Disco Time Meme Template | After Exam Meme Template

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Situations for “Disco Time” Meme Template

  1. When you finally submit your assignment at 11:59 PM
  2. Walking out of the exam hall knowing you failed but it’s over
  3. When the last period bell rings on Friday
  4. Getting your paycheck after a tough month
  5. When the teacher says, ‘Let’s end the class early today’
  6. Realizing you don’t have to wake up early tomorrow
  7. Finding out your team won the match while you were asleep
  8. When your friend says ‘Drinks are on me’
  9. Finishing a stressful meeting and logging off work
  10. After surviving a long family gathering

Situations for “After Exam” Meme Template

  1. Discussing answers with friends and realizing everyone got different ones
  2. When someone asks, ‘How was the exam?’ and you just laugh
  3. Knowing you wrote nonsense but at least you finished
  4. When the answer was 47, but you got “elephant”
  5. Seeing memes about the exam you just took
  6. When you check the answer key and regret everything
  7. Walking past your teacher like nothing happened
  8. When your friend says the exam was easy, but you struggled
  9. Celebrating because at least it’s over, regardless of the results
  10. Pretending to be calm while waiting for results

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